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Good Reader v2.3

 Good Reader v2.3 (large PDF viewer) - read big PDF files with reflow  306277111icon100x100

Good.iWare Ltd.
Category: Productivity
Price: $0.99
Released: Sep 16, 2009
Size: 6.5 MB
Seller: Yuri Selukoff
Latest version: 2.3

GoodReader - the highest quality file viewer that supports very large PDF files, USB file transfer, PDF Reflow, PDF & TXT text search, and more.

 Good Reader v2.3 (large PDF viewer) - read big PDF files with reflow  306277111screen
Recent Chart Rankings:
PRODUCTIVITY: #1 in Canada, Japan, Germany, France, #2 in USA and UK
OVERALL: #1 in Japan, #6 in France, #7 in Germany, #8 in Canada

NEW! USB file transfer (free 3rd-party software is required, read more on our web-site)

Customers' Quotes:
+ "Reads large PDF's flawlessly. I have some at 1gig in size (yes, 1 gigabyte) full of images and they load and read without problems. My favorite app on my Ipod Touch"
+ "I use it every day with PDFs over 300mb. I have found no problems. I'd pay double for it"
+ "Perfect user experience reading PDFs. Such a relief after [---] and [---]" (app names removed)
+ "After using it for a day I'm convinced it is the best of the document sharing and reading programs"

 Good Reader v2.3 (large PDF viewer) - read big PDF files with reflow  3062771111screen

GoodReader is a file viewer like you've never seen before. It easily handles huge PDF and TXT files, making the mobile reading process a real pleasure. Every little detail in it is determined to create the best READING experience.

== Supported File Types ==
+ huge PDF & TXT files
+ MS Office (.doc, .ppt, .xls and more)
+ HTML and Safari webarchives
+ iWork'08/09
+ high resolution pictures
+ audio & video

== Transfer Features ==
+ USB file transfer (visit 
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
for instructions)
+ Wi-Fi file transfer
+ direct Web downloads
+ e-mail attachment access (visit 
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
for instructions)
+ integrates with MobileMe iDisk, FilesAnywhere.com, MyDisk.se and other servers
+ iPhone-to-iPhone via WiFi using WebDAV

 Good Reader v2.3 (large PDF viewer) - read big PDF files with reflow  3062771113screen
== PDF Reading Features ==
+ huge PDF files
+ Reflow - extracts pure text from PDF, wraps words, lets you read it without page margins, without left/right scrolling, with font size of your choice
+ Text Search
+ PDF Links - tap hyperlinks in PDF's and jump to places inside a document
+ huge 50x PDF zoom ratio, while image is still crisp. There's no better way to read big PDF maps or technical drawings on your iPhone
+ true full-screen reading - no bars or buttons over the text
+ PDF Table of Contents (Outlines)
+ Bookmarks
+ GoTo PDF Page
+ restores your location in all PDF files
+ choose between manual or automatic screen rotation
+ Horizontal Scroll Lock - great for reading multi-column pages
+ innovative Tap Zones technique (page dragging can be avoided)

== TXT Reading Features ==
+ large TXT files
+ fast navigation
+ Text Search
+ Bookmarks
+ Autoscroll
+ restores your location in all TXT files

 Good Reader v2.3 (large PDF viewer) - read big PDF files with reflow  3062771112screen
Problems opening particular file? Send it to us. We'll fix the problem.
WiFi-transfer doesn't work? It can be tricky sometimes. But we guarantee to help.
Our customer support is REALLY good. Try us. Don't deprive yourself of the opportunity to enjoy the best PDF reader just because of some minor problem with some particular file or with network setup.
Read in-app manual and/or request support at

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
We reply to EVERY e-mail within hours.

Don't post questions in reviews. How can we answer anonymous questions? Contact our support team, if, of course, you want your questions to be answered.

Visit our web-site:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Major update:
+ PDF Reflow - extracts pure text from PDF, lets you read it without page margins, without left/right scrolling, with font size of your choice
+ PDF Links - tap hyperlinks in PDF's and jump to places inside a document
+ turn PDF pages by swipe gesture
+ send E-mail with files
+ access MobileMe iDisk, FilesAnywhere.com, MyDisk.se and other servers
+ many improvement of PDF Text Search feature
+ auto-start next song in a folder
+ PDF Go Back button - takes you back after following a link or a bookmark
+ Day / Night modes for PDF and TXT
+ many other features - more info on our web-site

Code: [[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Good Reader v2.3 (large PDF viewer) - read big PDF files with reflow  3062771114screen
+ USB file transfer (read more on our web-site)

English, Russian

Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch 
Requires iPhone OS 2.0 or later

DOWNLOAD[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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