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1 8mm Vintage Camera  Empty 8mm Vintage Camera 13/9/2012, 16:20

 8mm Vintage Camera  Screenshot0_1296096781_176096e8094c474ed07623c04af1dd20Category: Photography
Jan 27, 2011
Version: 1.1
2.7 MB

© Nexvio Inc.

LANGUAGES: English, Chinese, Japanese

REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, and iPod touch (4th generation). Requires iOS 4.1 or later.What's new in Version 1.1
- Added projector sound; you can also choose mute or microphone only.
- Enabled video geo-tagging when location service is on.
- Fixed audio sync issue.
- Fixed video orientation bug when device orientation is locked.

Download VERSION 1.1[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


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