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Cấu hình : 
Windows 2000/XP 
Pentium III 600Mhz hoặc AMD 
Ram 128 Mb 
Hỗ trợ card AGP : 
NVIDIA GeForce FX, GeForce4, GeForce3, GeForce2, GeForce 256, TNT2 
ATI Radeon 9800, 9700, 9600, 9200, 9000, 8500, 7500, 7200, 7000 
Matrox Parhelia, G550, G450, G400 
PowerVR Kyro II, Kyro I 
SiS Xabre 400

Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos JOEY THE PASSION:
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos KAIBA THE REVENGE
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos YUGI THE DESTINY
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