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1Shadow of the Colossus(PC) Empty Shadow of the Colossus(PC) 11/8/2012, 12:17

Shadow of the Colossus(PC) Affcb2f26b33569a944a33b71920ef3a_40040241.fea8c2139015f8635d41ed7639060190

Shadow of the Colossus(PC) 534f6f940edd75b86bb9902454786db2_40042617.gateforbiddenland

Shadow of the Colossus(PC) 0460704c51ec787ae43dfe81e8f5aa2d_40042661.infrontofchruch

Shadow of the Colossus(PC) 764fa0975abc45f2038641d3f26e315c_40042763.flyingcolossi

Shadow of the Colossus(PC) 5b9d6b16cada70051282801ab01c2ecc_40042958.924364042905screen006

Shadow of the Colossus(PC) 459372fa1d7411a82813e0d4e94be7ca_40043026.shadowofthecolossus03

System requirements:
Operating system: XP, Vista, 7
Processor: Core Duo E6600 or Phenom X3 8750
RAM: 2000 MB
Free hard drive space: 4507 MB
Video: GeForce 8600GT or Radeon X1950 Pro, (256 MB), support for Shader 3.0

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