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 Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars [ Phiêu lưu / full 1 link 500 Mb ] Broken-Sword-Shadow-Of-Templars-Front-Cover-15302

 Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars [ Phiêu lưu / full 1 link 500 Mb ] Broken-sword-the-shadow-of-the-templar-directors-cut-20090130101538493-2733502

 Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars [ Phiêu lưu / full 1 link 500 Mb ] Broken-sword-the-shadow-of-the-templar-directors-cut-20090130101544071-2733505

 Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars [ Phiêu lưu / full 1 link 500 Mb ] Broken-sword-shadow-of-the-templars-the-directors-cut-20090305065618629-2774028

System requirements:
* Operating system: Windows 7 / Vista / XP (SP2)
* Processor: Intel Pentium IV with 1 GHz or higher
Memory: 256 MB
* Video: 64 MB VRAM compatible with DirectX
Sound Card: 16 bit DirectX compatible
* Free space on hard disk: 1 GB

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