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Operation Flashpoint Red River [ hành động / full 4.5 GB ] D7803b

Operation Flashpoint Red River [ hành động / full 4.5 GB ] Operationflashpointredrb

Operation Flashpoint Red River [ hành động / full 4.5 GB ] Operationflashpointredr

Operation Flashpoint Red River [ hành động / full 4.5 GB ] Operationflashpointredru

Operation Flashpoint Red River [ hành động / full 4.5 GB ] Operationflashpointredr

Operating System: XP 32bit, Vista, Win 7
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Core 2 duo 2.4 Ghz
RAM: 1GB RAM (2GB Vista/Windows 7), 6GB free hard drive space
GFX: ATI Radeon X1800, NVIDIA GeForce 7800
Internet connection required for game activation

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